Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You Become What You Pursue

Scripture: They went after false idols and became false… 2 Kings 17:15

Observation: The author describes the reason for Israel’s enslavement and exile—they had abandoned the Lord and pursued evil. One phrase caught me… “They went after false idols and became false.” This word, false, is also translated “vanity,” or “emptiness.” There is a progression here. You become what you pursue. If you pursue the emptiness of hollow priorities, you become hollow. If you pursue shallow goals, you become shallow.

Application: What emptiness am I pursuing? I think one area is television. Jessica and I have some shows we watch together, as we do with the kids. While that is fine, I think we can also easily settle in to the empty routine of television each night before bed. Jessica has been asking me recently about my leadership at home in the area of Family Night. I think I let nights sneak up on me with no planning. I think we need at least one night a week that is TV free for the family—where we play games or ride bikes or cook out. I need to incorporate this into my family night planning.

Prayer: God, I don’t want to pursue emptiness and become empty. Help me see empty areas in my life that could be replaced with things of true value and weight.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Planning on and Standing on Noble Things

Scripture: But he who is noble plans noble things, and on noble things he stands. Isaiah 32:8

Observation: Isaiah speaks of a coming day when the failures of all human leaders will be forgotten in the triumph of the Messiah. He will reign in righteousness. This is in sharp contrast to the foolish rulers who set God aside and neglect the needs of their people. Then, Isaiah reminds leaders that those who are “noble,” who carry the nobility of leadership, ought to pursue true nobility by planning on and standing on noble things. Noble things such as declaring truth, fostering purity of heart, regarding the needs of those in one’s care, hearing the pleas of the needy. Noble leaders aim high, and plan on and stand on these things.

Application: What are the noble things I am planning for and standing upon in my leadership? Where am I “aiming high?” At work, I believe our call to love people to Christ and help them in their journey with God is a noble thing. Our vision to pursue God, build community, extend Christ, and leave a legacy are noble things. They are the big rocks. I need to keep them front and center. At home, I believe the noble things are to love my wife and kids, to help them listen to God. To provide and provision for them. To pursue glorious masculinity in my own life.

These are some of the noble things that I need to plan on and stand on as a leader. But even in my drive to work this morning, I sensed the call to get distracted, to elevate less important things and miss out on the noble ones.

Prayer: God, I want to be a man of noble things. Help me see your heart, what you declare to be noble. And help me keep these as the big rocks of my life. Protect me from the distraction of folly, of things that ultimately waste my life and squander my leadership.