Tuesday, January 24, 2012

He Says What He Does and Does What He Says

Scripture:         And the Lord set a time, saying, “Tomorrow the Lord will do this thing in the land.”  And the next day the Lord did this thing. Exodus 9:5

Observation:    In the middle of the fifth plague God sent to pressure Pharaoh, Moses makes this simple statement.  God set a time and said something would happen.  Then he made that thing happen at that time.  Short and sweet.  God does whatever he wants and no purpose of his can be thwarted.         

Application:  If I believe this, why don’t I pray like it?  Why don’t I ask bigger things of the God who says what he is going to do, then does it every time?  Why do I limit my prayers to “Help me have a good day?”         

Prayer: I am asking you, God, to bring the people on my prayer card to faith in Christ.  I am asking because only you can do this thing, and if you say you will, you will.  I also ask that you give me the answer in my heart to a question I have been asking you.  Would you make it crazy clear. 

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