Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Whoever Believes in Me Will Also Do the Works that I Do

Scripture: Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father. John 14:12

Observation: Jesus says that those who truly believe in him will do the works he does, and even more than he does. These works include evangelism, teaching, acts of mercy. His followers will do greater works—not necessarily greater in power, but greater in scope. His followers, larger in number and scattered across the globe, will do more (greater) works worldwide, and throughout history than Jesus was able to do in his short, localized ministry here on earth.

If I do not do the works Jesus did, do I truly believe in him?
Here is the faith/works question again. As I read through Acts, preparing for this fall’s sermon series, I am struck by the works the followers of Jesus did in his name. I know that some of them are not things we do today since it was really the “Grand Opening” of the church, much like how the grand opening of a store does many things (balloons, bands, food) that they do not do once the store is established. HOWEVER, I wonder how much of Jesus’ works I am to be about today. And if I am not sharing my faith, if I am not discipling others, if I am not doing acts of mercy, then how can I claim true faith?

Prayer: God, open me up to the book of Acts, and what faith-driven works you would have be do as your follower. Point out to me areas where my claim of faith and my doing of works are not in sync. If I believe, I will do.

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