Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Glory of Kings

Scripture: It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out. Proverbs 25:2

Observation: Part of what separates us from God is that God’s thoughts are so much more vast than ours. His knowledge and wisdom is limitless. Job learned this when he dared question God. So the fact that God knows more than he has revealed to us is part of his glory. We, on the other hand, are creatures of learning. Unlike God, we have room to grow and learn. Our glory as “kings” is to apply ourselves to live our lives by wisdom.

Application: I have been praying about our church going through a year of searching out what truly happens to us at the moment we believe on Christ. I think we have barely scratched the surface of this transformation. The Bible lists 33 realities that occur to us at the moment of salvation. This endeavor is daunting, as it will challenge much of my comfort zone. But what is outweighing the risk is the wonder of what could happen if we searched things out, if we spent a year unpacking the divine riches of God’s grace. I think that God is saying to me today that it is to our glory to do this. God’s glory is to effect all of this salvation; our glory is to search it out and live by what we learn.

Prayer: God, I continue to yield this to you. Guide me in what you want us to search out. If you want me to do this, I will. I trust you and the sufficiency of your word. As I search out this idea, would you reveal to me your plans?

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