Thursday, March 11, 2010

Consider the Ravens (Written by my son Beau)

Today I have a guest devotional writer…my 9 year old son, Beau. Here is his take on Luke 12:

Scripture: Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Luke 12:24.

Observation: God feeds the ravens but the ravens don’t have clothes. Nor a barn. But they are still happy. Even if you have clothes, God gives you these things because he wants to make you happy. So, do not worry if you do not have enough of these things it doesn’t matter.

Application: I really want God to help me not worry about all those things I don’t need to worry about.

Prayer: Dear God, please help me not worry tomorrow.

1 comment:

MangyCat said...

Great job, Beau! It's so hard not to worry sometimes, but we all do it. That's wonderful that you are praying that God will take away your worry because you know his Word says that He will take care of those things for us.