Monday, April 26, 2010

Gus and Woodrow

Scripture: Jonathan lies slain on your high places. I am distressed for you, my brother Jonathan; very pleasant have you been to me; your love to me was extraordinary, surpassing the love of women 2 Samuel 1:25,26

Observation: David composes a heroic ode to Saul and Saul’s son Jonathan. He reserves special remarks to his friend, Jonathan. Some have tried to pervert this friendship into something sinful, but it is a true friendship of men. Jonathan’s devotion to David was so great that he gave up his shot at the throne and even risked his life for his friend. This is an epic friendship, one that few men find in life outside of a spouse. This is Woodrow and Gus territory.

Application: I once heard Chuck Swindoll teach on the friendship of David and Jonathan. He remarked that this is a once-in-a-lifetime type of relationship, and that few men find it. While on an 8-hour drive back from hunting with friends last year, I reviewed the friendships in my life. I saw few that had survived the years. God spoke to me about some specific steps I needed to take to continue to peruse these. I don’t have a David/Jonathan friendship yet, but I hope God allows me one before I die. It is easy for men to back away from these kinds of battle-forged friendships. But if we are to truly embrace our manhood, we need to maintain them for our souls and model them for our sons.

Prayer: God, help me reach out to friendships with other men. I pray you help me find a David and Jonathan, a Woodrow and Gus type friendship. And help me teach my sons the value of godly friendships with men.


2Unation said...

When I read this verse I knew it would be the one you would pick. I am praying and believing with you that God will bless you with this type of friendship. Thanks for being such a godly example of a true man to our kids and to me. I love you so much, Thomas.

jana dingmore said...

I loved this! I think I'll link to it today. You grabbed my attention with Gus and Woodrow - my all time favorite book and movie. Great insight - thanks for being so transparent. Love your heart...wish we lived closer so we could know your sweet family!

Thomas said...

Thanks, Jana. Reading about David and Jonathan made me want to reread Lonesome Dove--it has been too long. Appreciate you and Jerry.