Sunday, November 15, 2009

Finding Fault with God

Scripture: Shall a fault finder contend with the Almighty? He who argues with God, let him answer it. Job 40:2

Observation: Job has spoken to God. Job’s friends have spoken about God. But now, God finally speaks. He does not answer Job’s questions, but challenges his perspective. He reminds Job that God is God and Job is Job. Here, he asks Job what right he has to find fault with the way God has chosen to do things. He even calls Job a name: “fault finder.”

Application: Am I a fault finder? Do I find fault with the way God has chosen to do things in my life? Maybe some things have not worked out the way I wanted, but is it my place to contend and correct God? If I do this, I might also have a lot to answer for.

Prayer: God, let me trust you. Shall I accept good from your hand and not bad? You know what you are doing. Give me faith to wait, to see, to be patient, and to not find fault.

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